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Environment, Food & Rural Affairs


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Don't bring back more than you bargined for!!

Meat and Animal Products.

Animal diseases, such as Foot and Mouth Disease and Classical Swine Fever and preset in many parts of the world.

Although many animal diseases do not affect people, we know what devastation they can cause if brought in to the UK - not just to farming, but to the tourism and leisure industries as well.

Animal diseases can be carried in meat - and in animal products too. For example, Milk may carry Tuberculosis. This disease can cause problems for cattle as well ad for people. Other animal products such as eggs, dairy products, or untreated skins can carry bacteria or dieases.

Anthrax is a disease caused by a bacterial organism that produces spores that are highly resistant to disinfection. These infectious spores may persist on a contaminated item for many years. Anthrax spores have been found in goatskin handicrafts from Haiti. Therefore, travelers are advised not to purchase Haitian goatskin goods.

There are regulations restricting what meat and animal produtcs you can bring back to the UK from outside the European Union. So, if you have any doubt about a product's saftey - to animals as well as to the people - please leave it behind.

Plants and Plant Products

Plant pests and dieases introduced from abroad can pose a serious threat to our agriculture and horticultural industries as well as to our native flora. Because of this many types of plant material imported from outside the European Union are subject to strict import controls. Items include plants for planting, cuttings, bulbs, some fruits, potatoes and some seeds

Your travels may inspire you to reproduce some of the exotic gardens of the world in your own back garden. But, if you are tempted to do this please check on the import regulations before you travel.

Failure to comply with these rules can attract penalties of up to 2 years imprisonment and a fine of £5000.

For details of rules on personal imports before you travel check the posters at the airport or at or phone the DEFRA Helpline on 08459 33 55 77

Source DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

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