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What to pack in a Medical Aid Kit before travelling.

The following items are suggestions for inclusion. These are all nonprescription items and may make life simpler outside the country, especially since these may not be readily available in all countries.

A small medical kit containing aspirin or acetaminophen, decongestant (Afrin, Sudafed), and dextromethorphan cough suppressant for symptomatic relief of colds acquired abroad.

Bacitracin topical antibiotic ointment, Band-Aids, small gauze pads (2 x 2) and a roll of surgical tape for minor wound care.

Cortaid (0.5% hydrocortisone) and Benadryl tablets or simular for relief of itching of minor insect bites, allergic skin reactions, or sunburn.

Insect repellant containing 30-35% DEET. A higher percentage of DEET is more toxic and is not necessary. A long acting preparation is preferred (e.g. a 12 hour schedule). Ultrathon DEET or DEET Plus, available in larger sporting goods stores, are recommended.

Imodium to help control diarrhea when no fever is present.

Sun screen offering both UVA and UVB protection, as well as an SPF of #15 or more.

Water treatment kit

Pen knife or scissors to cut bandages and tape.

Mosquito netting impregnated with premathrin.

The following will be avaliable on prescription from your GP or Practise Nurse or from your local chemist.

Mefloquine, chloroquine or doxycycline for malaria prevention, Ciprofloxacin or Bactrim for treatment of severe diarrhea, Antivert for motion sickness, Halcion to help with sleeping problems related to jet lag, or Diamox to prevent high altitude sickness. Since other medications may cause interactions with these, please let your doctor know what you are taking.

In addition, be certain to take enough of your regular prescription medications with you. However, do not pack it all with your luggage since it might be lost. Keep several days supply with you at all times.


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